benevolent creator of this personal home page.
Trollable at twttr.
I have to warn you. You
see that black line with the flames down below? After that line things could
get plain boring, not funny, unconventional, controversial, unrespectful and
did I mention boring.
If by any way this is already making you feel
uncomfortable. Don't worry! I created a safe and fast way out of here for
you. Just hyper jump into the ambient Trigger-Free-Safe-Space-Exit-Room where your faith in
humanity gets restored.
Anything I say may be used against you. You are hereby
warned. You shall not pass. Hide your kids. Dragons ahead.
There is no return. (I sabotaged the back button) Trigger
Warning. Fly, you fools!
Welcome to the other side {tripple_click_here} you idiot!
HEHEHE Told you so.
Ok, I'm sorry. And I'm ready to apologize for my behavior now. Out of respect
for the indigenous people of the web I will say it in their native language of javascript.
Born in an Eastern Bloc state, raised and educated in
Germany and now working and living in Austria. I got my first computer
very late. It must have been around 2005. A friend of mine build it with me
from old parts some of which we found at the local recycling depot. To this
day I am not quite sure if I have to thank this friend or hate him for
introducing me to the computing world. I was hooked right away. Since then
hardly a day goes by where I'm not sitting in front of a laptop. I'm
interested in topics like vim, command-line, bitcoin, unix, prototyping,
web, security, consciousness, religion, cults, history, social change,
popculture and freedom. If the weather is nice I have a strong urge to go
outside. I like to spend the day trail running, hiking, mountain
biking, on my slackline, swimming,
skating, longboarding, playing basketball, ski mountaineering, snowshoeing, climbing or even golfing. After the sunset you can find me in
front of a screen where I crawl the internet or work on fun projects. Sometimes the code makes it to my github profile. One score at my
personality test put me on at the 94th percentile for intellect (which has
nothing to to with intelligence). I'm drawn to ideas and I like discussions
about them that's why I love listening to podcasts and youtubes.
Of course my statements are inconsistent over
time. As time goes on I read and learn more, I get my facts straight, my
moral values change, I make new experiences and science evolves. There are
many ways how and why I would reconsider my opinion on a topic. You think
I got something wrong, don't hesitate to debate, persuade or even try to
educate me but don't expect me to not push back.
localhorst local, private in your
browser living websites
httplog shows
all http requests made to that domain in realtime details
WIL: koa middleware, nodejs stream PassThrough.
TS: ctx.body = stream did not work. request canceling killed the stream too.
Solved by creating two streams. A global one and local in /stream context ->
chargeville an overview of mobile
devices battery status details
WIL: first
look into babel transpiling and polyfills. Service workers, web push api.
Using mixins in pugjs. every time I get better at sql joining. TS: working
with different android systems, web browsers is hard when using recent
apis. Replacing a html node not that straight forward.
WIL: work with twitter oauth & api.
koa-sessions TS: design, not sure how to include tweets on your own.
chrome extension that tracks time spent on websites details
WIL: making chrome extension with message
passing between popup,background,content. Looked deeper into indexeddb
but decided to go with dexie.js a wrapper. TS: indexeddb, chrome extension
states order of events bad!
signal simple websocket server usable for signaling. Every message gets broadcasted to other clients connected to roomID wss://${roomID}